Why Crushed Ice Is Always Better Than Cubed

Feb 23rd 2023

Why Crushed Ice Is Always Better Than Cubed

When you’re running your own restaurant, every detail of the dining experience matters. Every decision you make can impact how your guests feel about your business by the time they leave, from the plates and cutlery you use to the overall ambience. So while it might seem small, the type of ice you put in your beverages can make a noteworthy impact. Here, we’ll dive into why crushed ice is always better than cubed and why you should consider investing in an ice crusher.

More Effective Cooling

One of the primary benefits that crushed ice has over cubed is that it’s more effective at cooling drinks quickly. The last thing any guest wants is to take a sip of a lukewarm drink while in your restaurant, and crushing your ice makes it easier to get beverages sufficiently cold in a snap. This is because crushed ice has more surface area in contact with the liquid, speeding up the transfer of temperature between the two. The drink cools quicker, and as a result, the ice melts faster.

Easier To Use in a Blender

If you like creating blended drinks in your restaurant, crushed ice also makes using your commercial blender more effective. While these high-powered machines can chop through full ice cubes, this can clog the blade and damage components. Crushed ice, on the other hand, is much easier on the blades during the blending process and, therefore, does a better job of preserving your equipment.

Gives Drinks a Slushy Texture

Another reason why crushed ice is always better than cubed in restaurants is that it opens up a whole new range of possibilities for your drink menu. Crushed ice, when blended into drinks, can give them a slushy texture that’s popular during the hot summer months. As such, having it as an ingredient allows you to dabble in the world of refreshing mixed drinks and smoothies. Ice cubes, on the other hand, have the singular purpose of chilling an already prepared drink.

Crushed ice can promote a better beverage drinking experience and create opportunities for you to expand your drink menu. So if you’re interested in reaping these benefits in your own business, shop with us at Pro Restaurant Equipment. We carry a wide range of premium commercial-grade food equipment, including ice machines, so that you can keep your facilities performing optimally and create the best possible dishes.