A Quick Overview to Picking the Best Commercial Deep Fryer

Aug 8th 2022

A Quick Overview to Picking the Best Commercial Deep Fryer

Many factors will determine the type of fryer you will need for your restaurant. But instead of going through the Rolodex of fryers, as there are many, we will judge based upon your needs first. Check out this quick overview to picking the best commercial deep fryer to best suit the requirements of your business.

Customer Satisfaction

Your job as a restaurant owner is to keep your customers pleased. This means that everything about your professional deep fryer should appeal to your client base, especially if fried foods comprise a significant portion of your menu.

Fryer Size and Number

The number and size of your fryers is dependent on your specific business, number of daily patrons, and menu. How many people you have on staff at one time will also determine how many fryers you have going at any given time.

You can generally fry all kinds of items in these fryers. If you’re dealing with quick flash fries, that might call for a lower-end model that makes short fries all day long. However, if you’re deep frying something like chicken or potatoes, you will need a larger model that holds more oil.

You may need one general shallow fryer and one deep-fat fryer. Or maybe you need a fleet of deep-fat fryers if what you serve is mainly fried chicken and other deep-fried delicacies.

Also, if you have any niche items that you fry, like fish, they will need their own fryer so that you don’t taint the other equipment with the flavor of fish.

Long-Term Investment

Of course, as there are many different variations of fryers, there are different classifications and price points. Some have intricate operation mechanisms, while others are simpler. Some have thermometers built in, dialed up at precisely the correct temperatures for everything you need to fry.

Other fryers will rely on the cook’s knowledge. This isn’t to say that one is better than the other, but you will want consistency with your cooking. At the end of the day, you’ll also want a product that will last and keep running for the long term.

So, if you’re investing money into your company and you’re serious about your business, then you might think twice before you buy and opt for a higher-end machine that will present fewer problems as time goes on.

This has been a quick overview to picking the best commercial deep fryer. This basic information will help you decide which commercial fryer to look into for the best value.