4 Reasons a Meat Tenderizer Machine Is Better Than a Mallet

Dec 14th 2023

4 Reasons a Meat Tenderizer Machine Is Better Than a Mallet

Any restaurant or similar food service operation that serves meat knows that meat should be tender. While mallets are an old-fashioned and effective way to tenderize meat, a meat tenderizer machine is better than a mallet for several reasons. We explain some key differences between these tools, the benefits of a machine, and how to find a good one for your kitchen below.

The Difference Between a Meat Tenderizer Machine and a Mallet

Since a machine and a mallet both tenderize meat, some people wonder if there are major differences between them. The answer is a resounding yes. Two of the biggest differences are the tenderizing mechanism and the meat texture.

Tenderizing Mechanism

A mallet is a simple hammer-like tool that pounds, flattens, and tenderizes the meat manually. On the other hand, a meat tenderizer machine uses force in two directions, both vertically and horizontally, to penetrate and break down the connective tissues in the meat. Some machines are manual, while others are electronic.

Meat Texture

A meat tenderizer machine creates an even texture throughout the meat. This benefits both cooked and raw meat dishes. In contrast, a mallet offers no such guarantee. It’s often difficult to manually maintain meat uniformity. Machine tenderizing also ensures that the meat retains its size and shape throughout the cooking process, resulting in a professional and polished final product.

Faster and More Efficient

Now that you understand these key differences, you can better appreciate the specifics of how a machine is better than a mallet. One specific benefit that food industry professionals will immediately notice is the time difference. The time difference between using a machine and a mallet breaks down into speed and efficiency.

Faster Speed

Manually tenderizing each cut of meat takes a considerable amount of time and effort, especially for larger cuts. However, a meat tenderizer machine can process large meat cuts in minutes, resulting in a dramatic decrease in processing time. With a machine, your restaurant can handle meat preparation in a fraction of the time, leaving kitchen staff with more time to focus on other tasks.

Greater Efficiency

Speed is part of efficiency, but so is consistency. We previously mentioned that machines are more consistent in creating the same tenderized texture in various meats. When staff can trust this consistency, they can focus on other tasks that help the kitchen run at its best.

Greater Product Control

Machines aren’t just quicker and more efficient than mallets—they also provide better product control. They allow kitchen staff more control over every step of the creation process, ensuring your restaurant can serve the best dishes.

Control Cut and Consistency

Staff often struggle to control meat tenderizing consistency across different cuts when using a manual tool such as a mallet. Machines allow for more control over the level of tenderness, ensuring an even cook throughout and a consistent taste and presentation. This control helps chefs achieve the exact texture and flavor desired for each cut of meat.

Control Safety and Hygiene

Meat tenderizer machines offer better hygiene and safety control compared to mallets. Mallets present a risk of cross-contamination, potentially spreading bacteria or pathogens present on the surface of the mallet to the meat during preparation. Since most machines have non-porous surfaces, they are less likely to spread bacteria or pathogens. They are also easier to clean, which we will explain in more depth later.

Adjustable Settings for Different Meats and Tenderness Levels

Before we dive further into cleanliness, we should stop to appreciate the adjustable settings that many meat tenderizer machines have. Adjustable settings allow staff to control tenderness levels for different meats, which is why machines offer the great product control that we mentioned above. Most machines have two adjustable features: blade depth and pressure.

Blade Depth

Different types of meats require different levels of tenderization. For example, beef requires deeper cuts compared to chicken breasts, which don’t need as deep of cuts. Meat tenderizer machines have adjustable blade depths to accommodate different types of meat. You and your staff can avoid over-tenderizing or under-tenderizing your meat when you adjust blade depth.


Besides the type of meat, the degree of tenderness you want also determines how much pressure you need to apply during the tenderization process. Some machines come with adjustable pressure settings, allowing you to tweak the machine to your desired tenderness level. If you are preparing stews that need chunkier meat, you can adjust the pressure to avoid over-tenderizing it. In contrast, if you are preparing steak that needs a melt-in-your-mouth tenderness level, you can adjust the pressure to achieve your desired results.

Easier To Clean and Maintain

We now return to the subject of cleaning and maintenance. While all kitchen equipment requires cleaning and maintenance, machines are often easier to clean and maintain than mallets because of the removable blades and non-stick materials.

Removable Blades

After a few uses, meat and fat residues are likely to build up on the mallet, which will require time-consuming, thorough cleaning. Most meat tenderizer machines, however, have removable blades. Instead of cleaning an entire tool, you need only clean part of a piece of equipment between uses.

Non-Stick Material

When using a mallet, any small bits of meat or fat that may have accumulated on the surface can cause the utensil’s wear and tear. This is not the case with machines. They often use specialized, non-stick materials and designs that reduce the accumulation of debris.

What To Look in a Top-Quality Machine

Knowing four of the reasons why a meat tenderizer machine is better than a mallet has probably persuaded you to look for a machine. However, there are many machines on the market, and it’s often overwhelming to try to pick one. We recommend focusing on blade quality and safety features to help you narrow down your options.

Blade Quality

The quality of the blades in a meat tenderizer machine can make all the difference in achieving an evenly distributed texture in the meat. A top-quality meat tenderizer machine should feature high-grade stainless-steel blades that are evenly spaced and easily replaceable. The uniformity of the blade spacing ensures you can evenly tenderize the meat, while the sharpness of the blades reduces prep time and ensures that the machine is easy to clean.

Safety Features

Staff safety should be one of your top priorities. Working with machinery always poses an element of danger, especially when sharp blades are involved, so you must find a meat tenderizer with good safety features. Some common safety features to look for include protective guards, a secure locking mechanism, and an automatic shut-off. These features keep fingers away from the blades, ensure team members cannot release the blades while in use, and detect any abnormal movements or attempts to unlock the blades.

Pro Restaurant Equipment offers high-quality, safe commercial meat tenderizer machines for you to pick from. Some are new, while others are used and refurbished, ensuring you can find the equipment you need at an affordable price.

4 Reasons a Meat Tenderizer Machine Is Better Than a Mallet