
Oct 11th 2019

4 Factors to Consider When Buying a Restaurant Electric Meat Grinder

Proper processing of meat requires high-quality meat processing equipment. The equipment determines the difference between good and bad meat. The equipment defines the quality of your processed meat and the speed of its preparation. Restaurants need efficient, reliable, and durable meat processing equipment to fulfill the needs of their clients. This article will review the factors that you should consider when buying a meat processor.

Manual meat processors are not ideal for a restaurant unless it's a small corner restaurant in the neighborhood. Large restaurants with a large client base need a fast meat processor. The electric meat processor is perfect for such restaurants.

The electric meat processor

The electric meat processor comes in various sizes and shapes. These sizes include small counter-top grinders up to large processing units that can get mounted on the walls or floors. These processors have varying specifications, and here are some of the important factors to consider when buying one.

The materials that make the grinder

You should clean meat grinders every day because they get used almost every day of the week. These grinders need to be cleaned each night after grinding meat. As such, the grinders should have materials that are easy to clean and able to bear daily cleaning without experiencing marked wear. Grinders with stainless steel casing are the best meat grinders. This is because the material is corrosion-resistant.

Power of the equipment

The first and most important factor that you should consider when buying an electric meat grinder is the power of the grinder. The power of the grinder gets measured by determining the number of pounds or kilograms of meat that the grinder can process in one minute. If your restaurant has a high output and many customers, then you should choose a high-powered electric meat processor capable of handling lots of meat processing.

Size of the meat processor

The size of the grinder is determined by the diameter of the outlet, the size of the grinding plate, and the neck diameter. By determining the amount of meat your restaurant needs to grind in a day you can identify the precise size of the meat processor that you need. Every standard electric meat processor has a # sign that indicates the size of the processor.

Meat processor plates

Different kinds of meat dishes need meat that is processed to different sizes or specifications. As such, meat grinders have different types of grinder plates. Most grinders come with 2 to 3 plates, but these aren't enough for a restaurant with a menu of many types of ground meat dishes. You thus have to buy more grinder plates with varying hole sizes.

The Rabobank Project firm has given a research advisory indicating that meat consumption will rise in America. The report holds that meat consumption levels may go beyond 200 pounds a year per capita by 2018. This implies that restaurant owners may have more business.

As a restaurant owner prepare yourself for this potential booming business by acquiring a powerful electric meat processor and other commercial grade restaurant equipment that will help you prepare your meat dishes in time.